Manual – Send Alerts For

Send alerts for

This is where you decide what items in your List and View you want to send Alerts for.

Send alerts for choices

All Items

All items that appear in the view regardless of any Date fields.

Items due between

All items that have a date in the selected field in the future.

So in this screenshot it would be all items that have an [Expiration Date] in the next 30 days. (0 days = Today)

Items due between

Items overdue between

All items that have a date in the selected field in the past.

So in this screenshot it would be all items that have a [Due Date] in the last 7 days.

We’ve set From = 1 as its not considered Overdue until the day after it was due to be completed.

Note – With these two options be aware that the due/overdue period must overlap with how often the Alert is running. For example if you are looking for items due in the next 10 days but only run the Alert on the 1st of each month then it will never send Alerts for items due on the 11th onwards.

Items overdue between

Items due before next check & Items overdue since last check

This looks for items that will be due before the next run of the Alert.

For example if you set the Alert to run on the 1st of the Month, it will look for anything that has a Date field before the 1st of the following Month.

Likewise, if set for overdue since last check it will look for anything that has a Date field between the last time the alert was ran and now.

Only send an E-mail once per item

If you choose to only send an e-mail alert once per item, they won’t ever receive a second alert for an item, even if it is later updated (e.g. the Due Date is increased by a week and becomes overdue again).

Only send once per item


You can apply more advanced logic of which items Alerts should be generated for by using SharePoint View’s and Filters.

For example for a Task list you will probably want to set the Watch List to use the built in Active Tasks view to avoid sending Alerts for tasks that have already been completed.

You can also create custom Views with other advanced filters – for example Content Type or High Priority.

If you create a new List or View click on Refresh Lists at the bottom of the Watch list view selector

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